Our Newsletters

Stay tuned, member-centric newsletters returning soon!

General Newsletter

Sent once per month 

This is the newsletter that contains chapter-wide information with content about all things PMI-SVC including but not limited to; Networking and Dinner events, Workshops and classes, Articles of interest, and general announcements

FORUM - Career Development Sent twice per month This notification is specifically for the monthly Career Development forum and is sent to those who are interested in topics being presented at this meeting.  Click Here for Forum information.
FORUM - Technology Sent once per month This notification is specifically for the monthly Technology forum and is sent to those who are interested in topics being presented at this monthly meeting.  Click Here for Forum information.
FORUM - PMO Sent once per month This notification is specifically for the monthly PMO forum and is sent to those who are interested in topics being presented at this monthly meeting.  Click Here for Forum information.
FORUM - I80 Sent once per month This notification is specifically for the monthly I80 forum and is sent to those who are interested in topics being presented at this monthly meeting.  Click Here for Forum information.
FORUM - Agile Sent once per month This notification is specifically for the monthly Agile forum and is sent to those who are interested in topics being presented at this monthly meeting. Click here for more information. Contact the Forum Lead at Agile-Forum@pmi-svc.org
JOB ALERTS Sent as new openings come in This notification includes job opening information and contact information from various sources associated to the chapter and are mainly related to Project Management positions from local recruiters or employees from local companies.  Contact the Forum Lead at careerdevelopment@pmi-svc.org

Information from other Forums are also available by contacting the Forum Chairs.  

See the specific Forum Pages for more information!